Exploring Selfie Practices and Their Socio-Cultural Implications Among University Students in Pakistan


  • Nasrullah Dharejo Lecturer in Media and Communication, Sukkur IBA University
  • Ikhtiar Ahmed Khoso Phd Scholar, Putra Business School, Malaysia
  • Fatima Dayo Lecturer in English (Linguistics), Aror University of Art, Architecture, Design and Heritage, Pakistan


Identity Representation , Selfie-Taking, University student , Social and Cultural Impact , Digital Tools , Thematic Analysis


This research explores the intricate world of selfie culture among university students in Pakistan. It delves deep into their motivations for capturing, editing and sharing selfies and these practices' broader social and cultural implications. The study employs a qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews with fifty university students from various Pakistani institutions. This comprehensive investigation uncovers the multifaceted nature of selfie-taking, highlighting its strong connection with social and cultural self-representation dynamics. Key findings reveal how selfies serve multiple purposes: They are a medium for expressing social status, affirming personal identity, fostering group dynamics, and enhancing interpersonal communication.

Moreover, the study sheds light on the evolving social norms in Pakistan and how these norms are both influenced by and reflected in the practice of taking selfies. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of digital self-representation in Pakistan's unique socio-cultural landscape. It emphasizes the importance of further exploring the intricate relationship between selfie culture, identity representation, and digital interaction. It underscores the significance of this phenomenon in the discourse of modern social dynamics, particularly in the context of a rapidly evolving digital world.

Key Words: Identity Representation, Selfie-Taking, University Students, Social and Cultural Impact, Digital Tools, Thematic Analysis


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How to Cite

Dharejo, N., Khoso, I. A., & Dayo, F. (2023). Exploring Selfie Practices and Their Socio-Cultural Implications Among University Students in Pakistan. Al-Kashaf, 3(02), 59–71. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/71


