A Conceptual Research Model: Challenging Factors Towards the Adoption of Online Islamic Finance Platforms Especially from Muslim Customers' Perspective in Pakistan


  • Masoomi Hifazat Ali Shah PhD Scholar, Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Nasrullah Dharejo Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication, Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan
  • Fatima Dayo Lecturer, Department of English (Linguistics), Aror University of Art, Architecture, Design and Heritage, Pakistan


Islamic Finance, Pakistan, Muslim Customer, Challenging Factors


Islamic banking has embraced technology to enhance its operational services efficiency and reach a broader customer to avail banking services opportunities at their doorstep. Islamic finance institutions face both opportunities and challenges according to the past Islamic finance literature revealed. The Muslim community needs to be educated on the concepts and benefits of Islamic finance principles and integrating technological factors ensures security, efficiency, and reliability in online transactions, which is the priority of customers' preferences and concerns. Therefore, the research will examine the significant impact of these challenging factors can vary depending on cultural, regional, and economic contexts. Moreover, this research will contribute to the strong status of Islamic financing services such as awareness sessions, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and competitiveness in the dynamic financial landscape. this research implemented the amended TAM model by adding external variables to examine the significant impact of the individual intention for adoption of online Islamic banking platforms as it provides a structured framework along with hypotheses relationship for addressing and understanding factors influencing individuals' perceptions and concerns. There were twenty-nine customers recorded their initial feedback for the reliability analysis.  In a way to assess the reliability of the data collection instrument, Cronbach's Alpha test was applied using SPSS software. The coefficient of Cronbach's alpha is greater than or equal to (α ≥ 0.7) since it has the coefficient alpha (α) significance values are IDM(0.921), ATT(0.902), PEOU(0.918), PU(0.914), CAS(0.837), SOT(0.869), UFP(0.857). The initial findings of the pretest-conclusion indicate that the data collection instrument and quality of data are supportive for future research.


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How to Cite

Shah, M. H. A., Dharejo, N., & Dayo, F. (2023). A Conceptual Research Model: Challenging Factors Towards the Adoption of Online Islamic Finance Platforms Especially from Muslim Customers’ Perspective in Pakistan . Al-Kashaf, 3(01), 28–37. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/62


