مکالمہ اور نوجوان: قرآنی مکالمات سے ماخوذ راہنما اصول

Dialogue and Youth: Guiding Principles Deducted form the Quranic Dialogues


  • Liaqat Mahmood PhD Scholar Institute of Islamic Studies and Sharia, Muslim Youth University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Saqib Gulzar PhD Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies and Sharia, Muslim Youth University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Aurangzeb Head / Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahria University, Karachi Campus.


Discussing with each other is a human nature. A man discuses with each other his problems which is he facing in his life. This discussion sometimes logical and rational and sometime illogical and irrational, sometime it becomes soft in behavior and some time it becomes rude. This discussion some time is for teaching and learning process and some time it is between family members and friends only. The Quran is the Holy Message of God which has many subjects which are being woven beautifully. When we recite the Holy Quran we feel that some time it gives orders, sometime describes the stories of previous era, and sometimes it discusses the life of mankind with his past, present and future in the shape of dialogue. Whatever the matter is, at the end it solves with discussion. We know that this world is full of various religions and variety of theologies and their followers are some time being hatred and reason to wars. So it is important that we should discuss with each other to keep this world healthy and prosperous. In coming few lines discuss some Quranic Dialogues and will see how important is discussion among the people and how it is easy to reach at fruit results through conversation.



Al Baqara

آل عمران

Aal Imran


Al Nisa


Al Maida




Al Kahaf


Al Inshiqaq

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How to Cite

Liaqat Mahmood, Saqib Gulzar, & Dr. Aurangzeb. (2023). مکالمہ اور نوجوان: قرآنی مکالمات سے ماخوذ راہنما اصول: Dialogue and Youth: Guiding Principles Deducted form the Quranic Dialogues. Al-Kashaf, 3(02), 54–70. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/116