مسلم عائلی مسائل کے حل میں صلہ رحمی کا کردار: ایک شرعی مطالعہ

The Role of Kindness in Resolving Muslim Family Issues: A Sharīʿah Study


  • Saqib Gulzar PhD Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies and Sharia, MY University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Liaqat Mahmood PhD Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies and Sharia, MY University, Islamabad, Pakistan


It is a beautiful truth that we live together in this world and are dependent on each other in one way or other. It is also a fact that while living in society we are bound by many relations like; parent and children, husband and wife, brother and sister etc. Man seems like same but he has many differences with other as well as his relatives. Beauty of this world and mankind is that despite of common differences we live together. List of differences among the mankind is very long as it is a part of nature; but some time these differences turn into opposition which reverse the love of blood relationships and some time they become opponent to each other. So there is a need to understand the differences of relations and should be highlighted the obligations which are made by The Holy Quran and The prophet (Peace be upon him).Our society and family system become fruitful if we do not bather our differences and remain in compassion, brotherly love and kindness, understanding, consideration of others feelings and struggles and showing mercy, gentleness, generosity, sympathy, care and dignity. In coming lines presented some blood relations in the light of Quran and Sunnah and discussed how the harmony among the relatives can be made۔


آل عمران

Aal Imran




An Nissa


Al Anaam












Al Saffat


Al Qasas

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How to Cite

Saqib Gulzar, & Liaqat Mahmood. (2023). مسلم عائلی مسائل کے حل میں صلہ رحمی کا کردار: ایک شرعی مطالعہ: The Role of Kindness in Resolving Muslim Family Issues: A Sharīʿah Study. Al-Kashaf, 3(3), 24–36. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/107