نباتات اور جنگلی حیات كا تحفظ : اسلامی تعلیمات اور پاکستانی قوانین کا مطالعہ

Protection of Plants and Forest Life: A Study of Islamic Teachings and Pakistani Laws


  • Dr. Ghulam Dastgir Shaheen Chief Research Officer (CEO), Department of Research, Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Nadir PhD Research Scholar, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)


The protection of plants and forest life is a critical aspect that is deeply rooted in Islamic teachings and enshrined within Pakistani laws. Through a spiritual lens, the terrestrial environment is viewed as a divine creation, where any attempt to disrupt its delicate balance is considered a transgression against the divine order. Neglecting this connection between Allah and the environment can lead to misguided perceptions of the separation between spirituality and materiality, resulting in the misuse of natural resources and environmental harm. The Quranic injunction to avoid causing mischief on Earth emphasizes the imperative to preserve the environment and condemns those who engage in disruptive activities. Islamic teachings explicitly mandate every Muslim to protect the flora and fauna, as highlighted in both the Quran and Hadith. A comprehensive understanding of these religious teachings is crucial for fostering an ethical and conscientious approach to environmental conservation. This study explores the intersection of Islamic principles and Pakistani laws in safeguarding plants and forest life, emphasizing the importance of religious teachings in promoting environmental stewardship.






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القرطبي, شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الأنصاري ،)مکتبہ دار الفكر،بیروت( ،ج،۱۰،ص۔۱۴۵

Al-Qurtubi - Shams al-Din Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Ansari, (Maktabah Dar al-Fikr, Beirut) Vol. 10, Page 145.







أبو زهرة - محمد بن أحمد بن مصطفى بن أحمد ، تفسير القرآن ،زهرة التفاسير دار الفكر العربي،ج،۲ص۔۶۴۱

Abu Zahra - Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Mustafa bin Ahmad, Tafsir al-Quran, Zahrat al-Tafsir, Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, Vol. 2, Page 641.











ولی الدین ،الخطیب التبرییزی ،المشکوۃ المصابیح ،کتاب الادب ،باب المخلوق عیال اللہ ،حدیث۸ ۴۹۹

Wali al-Din, Al-Khatib al-Tabrizi, Al-Mashkoor Al-Masabih, Book of Literature, Chapter: The Offspring of Allah, Hadith Number: 4998.

البخاری ، محمد بن اسماعیل ،صحیح البخاری، كِتَابُ المُزَارَعَةِ ، بَابُ فَضْلِ الزَّرْعِ وَالغَرْسِ إِذَا أُكِلَ مِنْه،حدیث نمبر:٢٣٢٠

Al-Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail, Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Agriculture, Chapter: The Virtue of Planting and Sowing When Consumed, Hadith Number: 2320.

الہیثمی ،نورالدین ،مجمع الزوائدومنبع الفوائد،الطبعة:سنة الطبع: ١٤٠٨ - ١٩٨٨ م :ج۸/ص۱۱۵

Al-Haithami, Nur al-Din, Majma al-Zawa'id wa Manba al-Fawa'id, Edition: 1408 - 1988 CE, Vol. 8, Page 115.

احمدبن حنبل ،المسند احمد: طبعۃ الاولی دارالمعارف مصر ،١۳۷۷ج۴؍ص۶١

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Al-Musnad Ahmad, First Edition, Dar al-Ma'arif, Egypt, 1377, Vol. 4, Page 61.

ترمذی، ابو عیسٰی محمد ،الجامع السنن الترمذی ،حدیث نمبر١۵۳۶

Abu Isa Muhammad, Al-Jami' al-Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith Number: 1536.

محمد طاہر بن احمد بن عبدالرشید البخاری ،خلاصۃ الفتاویٰ : ج۴/ص۳

Muhammad Tahir bin Ahmad bin Abdul Rashid al-Bukhari, Khulasat al-Fatawa, Vol. 4, Page 3.

السیوطی ، الحافظ محمد جلال الدین ،کتاب فیض القدیر شرح الجامع الصغیر ،الطبعۃ الثانیۃ دارالمعارفۃ ،بیروت لبنا ن،ج۳/ص١۳۷

Al-Hafiz Muhammad Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, Kitab Faid al-Qadir Sharh al-Jami al-Saghir, Second Edition, Dar al- Ma'arifah, Beirut, Vol. 3, Page 137. This Act received the assent of the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab on 12th February 1913, that of the Governor-General on 6th March 1913, and was published in the Punjab Gazette dated 21st March 1913.

Consolidated version of the Forest Act, 1927 (Act No. XVI of 1927) as last amended by the Forest (Amendment) Act, 2000 (Act No. X of 2000). The Schedule of this Act has been repealed by the Central Laws (Adaptation) Order, 1961.

The Kohat Mazri Control Act, 1953 (Act No. III of 1954.) Received the assent of the Governor-General, Pakistan, on the 25th of April 1954.

The West Pakistan Firewood and Charcoal (Restriction) Act, 1964. West Pakistan Act No. XI OF 1964. [24th March 1964].

The Sind Wildlife Protection Ordinance, 1972. Sind Ordinance No. V of 1972, AN 13th April 1972.

This Act was passed by the Punjab Assembly on 28th January 1974, assented to by the Governor of the Punjab on 1st February 1974, and published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 1st February 1974, pages 117-K to 117-GG.

Baluchistan Provincial Assembly Secretariat the 21st August 1974.

پاکستان میں شعبہ ماحولیات ۔۷ ۹۴ ۱سے اب تک کا تاریخی جائزہ۔کالم نگار فریحہ فاطمہ،سنہ تاریخ،۱ا۱گست ۲۰۱۶

Environmental Department in Pakistan: A Historical Overview from 1947 to Present by Columnist Fariha Fatima, Published on August 11, 2016.




How to Cite

Dr. Ghulam Dastgir Shaheen, & Muhammad Nadir. (2023). نباتات اور جنگلی حیات كا تحفظ : اسلامی تعلیمات اور پاکستانی قوانین کا مطالعہ: Protection of Plants and Forest Life: A Study of Islamic Teachings and Pakistani Laws. Al-Kashaf, 3(3), 37–54. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/111