The Centenary of Anjuman-E-Islahul Afgahana


  • Muhammad Salman M.Phil. scholar, Department of Pakistan studies, Islamia college university Peshawar, Pakistan


This research paper is a tribute to the centenary of Anjuman-e-Ishlahul Afghana. This research article focuses on key aspects such as the establishment of Azad Islamia schools, the influential Pakhtun journal, the Khudai Khidmatgar movements, and the organization's status and impact in contemporary times. Through an exploration of these topics, this article pays acknowledgment to the permanent legacy of Anjuman-e-Ishlahul Afghana and its profound influence on Pashtun society. In celebrating the centenary of Anjuman-e-Ishlahul Afghana, this research article highlights the organization's enduring relevance and impact. This article offers a comprehensive examination of its role in fostering education, intellectual discourse, grassroots activism, and cultural preservation within the Pashtun community. Through an in-depth exploration of the Azad Islamia schools, Pakhtun journal, Khudai Khidmatgar movements, and its status post-centenary, the article underscores the organization's commitment to social justice, education, and community development. Ultimately, it serves as a testament to the resilience and dedication of Anjuman-e-Ishlahul Afghana in shaping Pashtun identity and aspirations across generations.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Salman. (2023). The Centenary of Anjuman-E-Islahul Afgahana. Al-Kashaf, 3(01), 49–55. Retrieved from


