قانونِ توہینِ رسالت اورپاکستانی مذہبی اقلیات: عملی تحدیات

Pakistani Blasphemy Law and Religious Minorities: Practical Challenges


  • Muhammad Abdussaboor Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha (UOS), Pakistan
  • Hafiz Muhammad Zubair MS Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sialkot (UOS), Pakistan
  • Hafiz Mohsin Raza MPhil Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Thought & Culture, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan


Blasphemy laws, Legal Challenges, Pakistan, Religious Minorities


The blasphemy laws in Pakistan have become a focal point of intense debate, impacting religious minorities and presenting complex challenges in their enforcement. This research explores the multifaceted dimensions of blasphemy within the Pakistani legal framework, with a specific focus on its implications for religious minority communities. Utilizing a qualitative research approach, this study examines the constitutional provisions, statutory laws, and significant judicial precedents related to blasphemy in Pakistan. Through an analysis of both legal texts and case studies, the paper elucidates the practical hurdles faced by religious minorities in navigating the legal landscape shaped by blasphemy laws. Furthermore, insights from Shariah experts and court proceedings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. The findings of this research not only highlight the discrepancies between legal doctrine and its application but also provide valuable recommendations for fostering tolerance, protecting minority rights, and ensuring the fair administration of justice within the context of Pakistani blasphemy laws.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Abdussaboor, Hafiz Muhammad Zubair, & Hafiz Mohsin Raza. (2023). قانونِ توہینِ رسالت اورپاکستانی مذہبی اقلیات: عملی تحدیات: Pakistani Blasphemy Law and Religious Minorities: Practical Challenges. Al-Kashaf, 3(01), 92–104. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/95