انسانی معاشی مسائل اور اسلامی تعلیمات : ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Human Economic Issues and Islamic Teachings: An Analytical Study


  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Sarwar Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Narowal, Pakistan
  • Hafiz Muhammad Bilal M.Phil. Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Faizan ul Mustafa M.Phil. Research Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies and Sharia, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan


Poverty, Disability, Zakat, Ushar, Kindness, Sacrifice


Islam emphasizes the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, ensuring that every individual can harness their abilities for personal development and societal benefit. It unequivocally prohibits actions that infringe upon the rights of others or involve deception, fostering an environment of integrity and fairness. Furthermore, Islamic teachings inspire and promote virtuous conduct, encouraging individuals to uphold ethical principles in their interactions with others. One of the core principles of Islamic economics is the concept of wealth redistribution to address societal inequalities. Islam recognizes the right of the affluent to contribute to the welfare of society by sharing their resources to alleviate poverty, disability, and incapacity. It condemns exploitative practices that exploit individuals for economic gain, advocating for ethical wealth accumulation that benefits the entire community. Central to Islamic economic teachings is the institution of Zakat, an obligatory form of almsgiving, and Ushar, a tax on agricultural produce. These mechanisms ensure the fair distribution of wealth within society, providing a safety net for the less fortunate and promoting social cohesion. By mandating these practices, Islam aims to establish economic justice and alleviate poverty through collective responsibility and mutual support. The principles of brotherhood, love, kindness, and sacrifice are foundational in Islamic economic teachings. These values underscore the importance of compassion and empathy in economic transactions, fostering a sense of solidarity and mutual assistance among members of society. Through adherence to these principles, Islam offers a framework for individuals to lead dignified lives characterized by equitable opportunities and communal welfare. In conclusion, Islamic economic teachings offer a comprehensive solution to addressing mankind's economic challenges. By promoting fairness, integrity, and compassion, Islam provides a blueprint for a just economic system where every individual can thrive while contributing to the betterment of society as a whole.


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How to Cite

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Sarwar, Hafiz Muhammad Bilal, & Muhammad Faizan ul Mustafa. (2023). انسانی معاشی مسائل اور اسلامی تعلیمات : ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ: Human Economic Issues and Islamic Teachings: An Analytical Study. Al-Kashaf, 3(3), 13–23. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/93