Unveiling the Power of the Right to Information: Promoting Transparency, Accountability, and Effective Governance


  • Hafiz Muhammad Azeem Advocate High Court/Assistant District Public Prosecutor, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Abbas Sheer Assistant Professor, College of Law, University of Sharjah, UAE
  • Muhammad Umar Lecturer, College of Law, University of Sargodha, Pakistan


The Right to Information (RTI) is one of the powerful tools that can be utilized to promote transparency, accountability, and effective governance in democratic countries. It enables citizens to access information about government activities. This access to necessary information can help them eradicate corruption. It also fosters public participation and promotes economic growth. RTI is part and parcel of democracy. It empowers citizens to make informed decisions after having a comprehensive insight into governmental actions of public importance. This paper explores the versatile objectives of RTI that are important in upholding good governance, diminishing corruption, promising accountability, facilitating public participation, fostering economic growth, and enhancing transparency. This paper is an attempt to unleash the transformative potential of RTI in shaping democratic societies. In the end, it is emphasized that we need vigorous enforcement mechanisms for the effective utilization of RTI in our society because RTI is one of the vital instruments that produce an informed, participatory, and accountable society. Ultimately, it strengthens democratic values and its institutions.


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How to Cite

Hafiz Muhammad Azeem, Abbas Sheer, & Muhammad Umar. (2023). Unveiling the Power of the Right to Information: Promoting Transparency, Accountability, and Effective Governance. Al-Kashaf, 3(3), 26–39. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/77


