اسلامی قیادت کے نظریاتی ڈھانچے اور معاصر معاشی ترقی کے درمیان ربط کا تجزیاتی جائزہ

Investigating the Causal Pathways between Islamic Leadership Archetypes and Contemporary Economic Development: An Analytical Review


  • Muhammad Ehtisham FUUAST
  • Dr. Muhammad Irfan Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic studies, Federal Urdu University of Science & Technology, Islamabad


Muslim Ummah


Among the challenges that the Muslim Ummah is currently facing, the most important challenge and the most important task for me is how to build their economy on Islamic principles. Our religion of Islam has such golden principles which are golden principles and eternal principles which are a torch for man in every field of his life till the end of the world. The implementation of these principles in staff life is a system for which the scholars in all ages have been offering their scholarly efforts. Our religion, Islam, and its economic teachings, first of all, the Holy Qur'an eliminates the false idea from the mind of both the individual and the community that morality and religion have nothing to do with economic life. The Holy Quran eloquently describes the relationship between economy and morals, which indicates that Islam is not only a religion of worship, but Islam is a religion whose rules are related to every aspect of life. In which the economy is also included. The Qur'an and Hadith did not present any economic system in the known sense, which has been described in contemporary economic terms, but along with other areas of life, Islam has given rules about the economy, from which we can derive many rules and regulations. The problems can be derived from the economy and the presentation of the same orders is the goal.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Ehtisham, & Dr. Muhammad Irfan. (2023). اسلامی قیادت کے نظریاتی ڈھانچے اور معاصر معاشی ترقی کے درمیان ربط کا تجزیاتی جائزہ: Investigating the Causal Pathways between Islamic Leadership Archetypes and Contemporary Economic Development: An Analytical Review. Al-Kashaf, 3(3), 55–65. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/63