Islamic Perspectives on Humanity: Insights from the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal


  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad Postdoctoral fellowship IRI, IIUI/Principal, Govt. Graduate College, Mandi Baha-Ul-Din, Pakistan
  • Dr. Naseem Mahmood Postdoctoral fellowship IRI, IIUI, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, UMT, Sialkot, Pakistan
  • Dr. Abdul Aleem Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, UMT, Sialkot, Pakistan


Humanity, Preaching, Youth, Equality, Unity, Freedom, Humanitarian Aid


Islam is a complete code of life. It provides guidelines to make life better in this life and life hereinafter. Man is a social animal. All human societies depend on each other for survival and sustenance. This article consists of four main components that may strengthen the relations between human societies. These elements (human equality, human unity, human freedom, and humanitarian aid) are the real foundation of humanity. Human equality, human unity, human freedom, and humanitarian aid are the main facts causing a peaceful, progressive, and pluralistic society; human dignity and human supremacy are attained, which can uplift a nation and any society or nation. These human factors have been elaborated in the light of the Islamic teachings and thoughts of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan. Iqbal’s philosophy always provokes human beings to adopt human characteristics. The main stress of Iqbal is upon the upliftment of humanity, which makes it superior through its actions rather than claims and slogans. The new generation needs such insights and thoughts to get rid of ideological and physical servitude. The methodology of this research is to discuss the main elements of humanity in accordance with Islamic thoughts and Iqbal’s poetry. This research reflects how Iqbal’s poetry makes a real comment on Qur’anic orders and the teachings of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). The article will enable the readers to understand the great thoughts of Allama Muhammad Iqbal and their compatibility with Islamic teachings and competency to awaken the sleeping Muslim nation, especially its youth.


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How to Cite

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arshad, Dr. Naseem Mahmood, & Dr. Abdul Aleem. (2023). Islamic Perspectives on Humanity: Insights from the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal. Al-Kashaf, 3(01), 38–48. Retrieved from


