اسلامی قانون میں "احکام القرآن" کے مناہج:برصغیر کے تناظر میں تاریخی وارتقائی جائزہ
Holy Quran, Islamic law, Ilm al-Tafsir, Aḥkām-ul-Qurʾān, Deduction of rulings, sub-continentAbstract
The holy book, the Quran, is called the fundamental source of guidance for humanity. Muslim scholars have introduced numerous forms of explanation for Quranic verses since the revelation of the holy book. This discussion has the most significant discourse titled, "Aḥkām-ul-Qurʾān" or "Ayāt al-aḥkām"(verses of the Qur'an from which the religious rulings can be extracted). Indeed, the most basic source of Qur'anic commentary is the Holy Qur'an itself. All matters concerning human life are related to it in one sense or another. The correct application of Islam is based on a correct understanding of Allah's direction. Without tafsir, there would be no right understanding of various verses of the Quran. Qur'anic scholarship in the Subcontinent not only adhered to the classical heritage of Qur'anic studies, but also added a significant number of new avenues and unorthodox trends to various Qur'anic discourses and subjects. The purpose of this paper is to explain how differences in word construction with the same meaning can affect Islamic law. Its basic objective is to describe an overview of the characteristics of the development of Quranic interpretation methods, or tafsir, in the history of Quranic sciences. It explores the methodology of deriving rulings from the Holy Quran with special reference to the principles of Islamic jurisprudence practiced in the subcontinent.