پیر محمد کرم شاہ الازہری کی تعلیمات تصوف : ضیاءالقرآن کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Tafsir, Tasawwuf, Zia ul quran, Muhammd karam shahAbstract
Sufism is not just a religious philosophy; it is also the splendor of Muhammadan Sharia and the delectable fruit of the Shariat tree. The Muhammadan Sharia contains a comprehensive solution to all human issues. Sufism and its adherents have adequately and fully explained this. Islam has been portrayed as a harsh system and a source of terror by a group of self-interpreting Islamic rules due to the convenience and negligence of the Muslim populace. Islam has also been linked to concepts like terrorism, suicide bombers, and gunpowder. In such cases, it is imperative to present all of humanity with a true view of Islam and the religion's true face. Following first best centuries ((خیرالقرون the Sufis and the Saints attained a sizable number in faraway cities and carried out the challenging duty of propagating Islam. Time has also caused the Sufi religion and their homes to lose sight of their original intent. Sufism's revival is the answer to all of humanity's issues, which have been causing constant anxiety in people's hearts. The Holy Qur'an outlines guiding principles for all aspects of a person's life and is the last inspired manifesto for human guidance. The Holy Quran makes no reference of the term "Sufi" or Sufis. Yet, the Holy Quran makes mention of all of the Sufi characteristics.This component of the Sufi way of life makes it clear that Allah, through His chosen servants in the world and the throne, is making reference of the early and late Sufis who lived their entire lives in memory of Allah. The manifestations of the fulfilment of this heavenly promise can be observed all over the nation during the blessed ceremonies(عرس) of saints and Sufis. The Tafsir Zia-ul-Qur'an is a masterwork written by a contemporary commentator who, in addition to other qualities, was a scholarly Sufi and a Sajjada Nashin of the renowned Astana, Peer Muhammd karam shah alazhari.