اصطلاح الحکمۃ کےاطلاقات میں قرآنی اصطلاح التوسم:تفسیری مطالعہ
The Quranic Concept of Al-Tawassum in the Paradigms of Al-Hikmah: An Exegetical Study
Al-Hikma, Altawsum, Quranic Concept, Quranic ParadigmAbstract
Definite a wrong idea to decide about the terms mentioned in the Holy Quran that they are synonymous with each other or that this other term is one of the identical of the Quranic term. And keeping in view the context, each term has a special place and meaning. Although the same term has different meanings and connotations, there must be context. All the terms mentioned in the Holy Quran are neither synonyms nor have the same meaning. Each term has its own background and broad meaning and connotation. It is up to the deep study of the Quran to derive its meaning correctly in the light of exegetical study. The term Al-Hikma in the Holy Quran has a very broad meaning, in it there are some prominent terms of the Holy Quran which can be called under the Reflect of al-Hikma, the influence of al-Hikma, the parts of al-Hikma. We can say that there are certain terms that the presence of these attributes in a person can be said to be the result of Al-Hikma. One of these terms is the term al-Tawsim, which has been explained in detail in this article.
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