Family Conflict Resolution in Islamic Law: Prophetic Methods and Contemporary Applications
Islamic Family Law, Conflict Resolution, Prophetic Methods, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Family Mediation, Shariah Courts, Islamic JurisprudenceAbstract
Family conflicts are universal, transcending cultural and religious boundaries, and the mechanisms for resolving such conflicts are vital for maintaining societal harmony. In Islamic law, family holds a central position as the nucleus of society, and its preservation is emphasized in the Qur'an and Hadith. This research examines the depth and breadth of family conflict resolution methods in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), analyzing both classical approaches and their contemporary applications. Through systematic analysis of primary sources, including the Qur'an and Sunnah, alongside contemporary judicial practices, this study demonstrates how Islamic principles of conflict resolution can effectively address modern familial disputes while maintaining their spiritual and ethical foundations. The research particularly focuses on the Prophetic methods of mediation and reconciliation, exploring how these approaches can be integrated with modern Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) frameworks. Case studies from both Muslim-majority and minority contexts reveal the successful adaptation of these principles in various cultural settings. The findings suggest that Prophetic mediation techniques, rooted in ethical principles and emotional intelligence, provide effective tools for addressing modern family disputes. The study also identifies challenges in implementing these methods in contemporary settings and proposes practical solutions for legal practitioners, religious authorities, and community leaders. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on Islamic family law and conflict resolution, offering insights for both theoretical understanding and practical application in modern family dispute resolution.
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