نظرية المعرفة الإسلامية عند محمد إقبال: دراسة تحليلية
The Islamic Epistemology of Muhammad Iqbal: An Analytical Study
Muhammad Iqbal, Islamic Knowledge, Epistemology.Abstract
This research focuses on the study of Islamic Epistemology in the view of Allama Muhammad Iqbal Lahori (1877-1938 AD). The philosopher Muhammad Iqbal has an important and high position in the Islamic world, which includes the renewal of Islamic thought and Islamic and Western philosophy and including the Islamic Epistemology. Given the importance of his scientific, philosophical and poetic contributions and the scarcity of a special study on it, the researchers aim to discover this Islamic knowledge and scientific contributions from his scientific, intellectual, poetic and philosophical classifications. The researchers adopt an inductive and analytical approach in studying this topic. This study reached several results, the most important of which is that Muhammad Iqbal was a great philosopher, a distinguished scholar, an influential poet, a Sufi, and a prominent Islamic thinker, unique in his time. For him, Islamic Epistemology represents an intellectual renaissance project that seeks to restore the role of Islamic civilization in leading the world scientifically and intellectually. He focused on the integration between religion and science and the importance of intellectual renewal based on revelation and reason. He is one of those who led people out of the liberation of thought from blind imitation. He sought to renew Islamic thought and link it to modern challenges. He has various scientific classifications in the field of religious thought, philosophy and poetry.
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