Inequalities among conventional and Islamic banking product: A solution with viewpoint of bank clients


  • Hamna Afzal Researcher, Department of Management Science, Abasyn University, Islamabad.


Halal Financial Products, Islamic banking, Shariah Complaint Products


Conventional banks experiencing a more substantial progress compared to Islamic banks. This productivity is primarily attributed to clients’ faith in conventional banking services. The literature represents lacking consensus with respect to the consumers’ understanding about the difference between Islamic and conventional banking products and why consumers do not prefer Islamic banking products as those are Shariah compliant. Previous studies have done deductive research to find determinants of clients’ intention towards using Islamic banking services. The research investigates the conventional banking consumers’ perception regarding of Islamic banking products in comparison of conventional counterparts in Pakistan through applying inductive research method. This study proposed a determinant to guide bankers and policy makers to promote Islamic banking products as compared to conventional banking.

Keywords: Islamic banking, Shariah Complaint Products, Halal Financial Products


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How to Cite

Afzal, H. (2024). Inequalities among conventional and Islamic banking product: A solution with viewpoint of bank clients. Al-Kashaf, 4(04), 88–99. Retrieved from