The Halal Industry: An In-Depth Comparative Analysis of Iraq and Indonesia


  • Dr. Tajut Moetia Lecturer, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


The Halal sector with its various food offerings and the overall respect of Islamic dietary law will face specific developments in many parts of the world. This academic paper attempts to present the current information in the literature and new research on a better understanding Halal industry practice in Iraq and Indonesia. These two Muslim countries have differences when considering their religious rules. While Iraq has a proud history of Islamic traditions, work to establish formal Halal industries in the country has lagged due to long-term conflict and economic disruption. In contrast, Indonesia the largest Muslim-majority country in the world has built a successful Halal industry backed by extensive government programs and private sector support. The focus of this article is on the historical development, regulatory frameworks, and economic impacts that underpin Halal policies in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia as well as exploring general difficulties faced by both countries to promote their own respective Halal industries. The study hopes to elaborate on these other strategies and approaches used, showing both successes and areas of improvement. The analysis demonstrates how Indonesia became a Halal market leader with its comprehensive legal infrastructure and strategic level, whereas Iraq holding the greatest potential for untapped opportunities appears to have scope only under necessary reforms in the domestic regulatory environment supported by regional or global collaboration. It aims to assist the further exploration, research, and policy development in Halal industry dynamics.


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How to Cite

Dr. Tajut Moetia. (2024). The Halal Industry: An In-Depth Comparative Analysis of Iraq and Indonesia. Al-Kashaf, 4(2), 51–63. Retrieved from


