شبهات المستشرقين حول فواتح السور والرد عليها :دراسة وتحليل
Orientalist Critiques on the Disjointed Letters in the Quran and Responses to Them: A Study and Analysis
Disjointed Letters, Orientalist Critiques, QuranAbstract
This paper critically examines the orientalist critiques regarding the "Fawatih al-Suwar," the disjointed letters found at the beginning of certain chapters in the Quran. These letters have been a focal point of both scholarly interpretation within the Islamic tradition and speculative theories by orientalists. The study begins with an exploration of the concept, significance, and classification of these letters as understood by classical and contemporary Muslim scholars. The paper then systematically addresses the claims made by orientalists, who have often suggested that these letters were influenced by external sources such as Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) or were later additions to the Quran. Through a detailed analysis of primary Islamic texts and Orientalist writings, the research exposes the methodological weaknesses and historical inaccuracies in these Orientalist theories. By contextualizing these letters within the broader theological and linguistic framework of Islam, the study argues that the disjointed letters are not random or externally influenced, but are instead deeply rooted in the Quran’s divine composition. They serve as a testament to the Quran’s miraculous nature and a challenge to human understanding. The paper concludes by affirming the Quran's divine origin and dismissing orientalist critiques as unfounded, highlighting their roots in either misunderstanding or intentional distortion of Islamic teachings. This research contributes to the field of Quranic studies by offering a robust defense against orientalist critiques, reinforcing the sanctity and inimitability of the Quran from an Islamic perspective.
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