کرنسی نوٹوں میں فرضیت ِ زکوٰۃ کے لیے حاجت اصلیہ کا اعتبار: تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Consideration of Basic Needs for the Obligation of Zakat in Currency Notes: An Analytical Study


  • Dr. Abulhassan Muhammad Shah Al-Azhari Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Al- Karam International Institute, Bhera.
  • Abdul Majeed Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Al- Karam International Institute, Bhera.


Basic needs, Currency Note, Spent Coins, Zakat


This research delves into the evolving landscape of Zakat obligation in the context of modern currency notes replacing traditional assets like gold and silver. The primary focus is on the critical condition that Zakat is obligatory only when wealth exceeds basic human needs. In the contemporary era, where currency notes have become a prevalent medium of exchange, the question arises: Do currency notes qualify as wealth surpassing basic needs for Zakat obligation? As the value of currency notes undergoes fluctuations and a continuous decline, the discussion gains prominence. The research addresses the pivotal query of whether a person saving money for basic needs is subject to Zakat after a year. Complicating matters, some scholars assert that currency notes hold the status of spent coins. This article navigates through the intricacies surrounding the obligation of Zakat in the age of fiat currency. It explores the significance of currency notes and scrutinizes their classification as wealth exceeding basic human needs. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse on Zakat in a contemporary economic context, shedding light on the nuanced nature of currency notes and their implications for the fulfillment of Zakat obligations.


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How to Cite

Dr. Abulhassan Muhammad Shah Al-Azhari, & Abdul Majeed. (2024). کرنسی نوٹوں میں فرضیت ِ زکوٰۃ کے لیے حاجت اصلیہ کا اعتبار: تجزیاتی مطالعہ: Consideration of Basic Needs for the Obligation of Zakat in Currency Notes: An Analytical Study. Al-Kashaf, 4(2), 15–24. Retrieved from https://alkashaf.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/131