مولانا وحید الدین خان اور تذکیر القران کی خصوصیات : تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Dawah Approach of Maulana Waheed-ud-Din Khan and the Characteristics of Tazkeer Al-Quran: An Analytical Study
Principles invitational approach exegesis QuranAbstract
Even though the Noble Quran was revealed in the Arabic language to the Arabs, its audience encompasses all people of the world. It is a book of mercy and guidance for everyone. It is the eternal message of Allah (SWT) and is not confined to a specific time or era. Its invitation is universal, encompassing all horizons and offering success and salvation to the entire universe. That's why the Quran and the sciences related to it have always held central importance in every era, and the process of understanding and explaining it has continued throughout history. In the Noble Quran, the book of Tazkir (remembrance) is intrinsic. The Quran employs the terms ‘Dhikr’ ' ‘Tazkirah’ and ‘dhikri’ for itself. The meaning of Tazkir is to remind. It refers to those truths that are within human knowledge, yet he is not heedful of them for some reason. And they have been erased from its active memory; to remind them of those truths, to draw their attention towards them, and to prepare them to adopt a particular behavior in their lives through the remembrance of those truths, this is the essence of ‘Tazkir’ (remembrance). Reminding people of familiar but forgotten things, and through this remembrance, directing their thoughts, actions, and attitudes towards a particular direction, this is Tazkir. In this regard, Maulana Wahid-ud-din Khan's interpretation, Tazkir al-Quran, has been arranged to address this aspect specifically, so that it can serve as guidance for the reader. Recognizing the necessity for a transparent interpretation and analysis of the Quran, he undertook the task of translating it into Urdu, accompanied by commentary under the title Tazkirul Quran. Recently, English and Hindi versions, titled "The Quran" and "Pavitra Quran", respectively, have been published. Maulana Waheed-ud-din Khan observes that there many translations available, yet he finds that the clarity of the original Arabic Quran is often absent in these interpretations. With his translation, "The Quran," Maulana strives to present the world with an English version that not only offers clarity but also provides a scientific interpretation, appealing effectively to the minds of people in the post-scientific era. He accomplished this task through extraordinary diligence, skill, and repeated examples.This article will illuminate the methodology of Waheed-ud-din Khan and his approach to presenting Quranic teachings in an inviting manner.
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