The Doctrine of Misrepresentation and Fraud in Pakistan and United Kingdom: Navigating Their Implications on The Businesses and Consumers


  • Adeel Abid Ph.D. lawyer and Associate Professor in DIHE, enrolled in the Supreme Court of Pakistan and Partner of a law firm M/s. Surridge & Beecheno
  • Zainab Effendi L.L.M. - UK and Assistant Professor in DIHE, Advocate High Court
  • Zeeshan Hyder L.L.B.- University of London and associated with Surridge and Beecheno


Misrepresentation and fraud are fundamental concepts in contract law, crucial for maintaining integrity and fairness in business transactions. In the UK, misrepresentation is defined as the dissemination of false information, while fraud involves deliberate deception. While in Pakistan, misrepresentation is defined under the Contract Act, 1872, encompassing false statements and breaches of duty that lead to an advantage. However, the distinction between innocent and fraudulent misrepresentation is not as clear as in the UK. Pakistan's legal framework lacks specific legislation like the UK's Misrepresentation Act 1967, leading to challenges in addressing misrepresentation claims. Against this backdrop, this research endeavors to delve deeper into the treatment of misrepresentation and fraud in contract law, with a comparative analysis between Pakistani and UK legal frameworks. By examining the nuances of these doctrines and their application in both jurisdictions, this study seeks to elucidate their impact on consumer and business dealings. Through a comprehensive exploration of case law, statutory provisions, and scholarly discourse, it aims to discern the efficacy of existing legal mechanisms in addressing issues related to misrepresentation and fraud, thereby informing potential reforms or improvements in regulatory frameworks.


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How to Cite

Adeel Abid, Zainab Effendi, & Zeeshan Hyder. (2024). The Doctrine of Misrepresentation and Fraud in Pakistan and United Kingdom: Navigating Their Implications on The Businesses and Consumers. Al-Kashaf, 4(2), 1–12. Retrieved from


