مناهج دعویة لأولي العزم من الرسل وتطبيقها في العصر الحاضر عند الشيخ محمد کرم شاہ الأزھري
Da‘wah methods of the Messengers of strong will and their application in the present era according to Sheikh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari
Da’wah Methods, Strong will Messengers, Duties of Prophets, Karam Shah Al-Azhari,, Tafsir Zia ul QuranAbstract
This paper aims to present Da‘wah methods among the Prophets and their application in the present era according to Sheikh Muhammad Karam Shah . He is a leading influential scholar of 20th Century. His magnetic efforts for Daʻwah are need of time and needs to present in modern scholarship. Moreover, He devoted himself for educating the Pakistani Community. Keeping this in view, Sheikh Muhammad Karam Shah Alazhari was a true scholar & sincere builder of nation. His services to Pakistani community in general and for the Muslim Community are beyond limits in deed. He held a bright light of knowledge in his right hand and a banquet of noble character in his left to pay the duties on the footsteps of prophets in this era. This paper aims to present a real Educationist's life profile to enlighten the way ahead for a better future of our youth. in addition, it explores and analyses his Daʻwah vision and educational strategy laid down by Al Azhari. Similarly, this publication purposes to seek the ways to enlighten our society to live and lead like a progressive, moderate nation as conceptualized and incorporated in the ideological framework of Al-Azhari.
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