Historical Roots of Westophobia & Its Impacts on Muslim Literature (An Analysis in the Context of Indian-Subcontinent)
Westophobia, Subcontinent, Western ascendancy, Muslim Literature, Trends, ImpactsAbstract
Bleak geopolitical maneuvering, and primordial accounts of cultural clashes have ever been generating a tense ambiance among different civilizations specially between Islam and the West, though this edgy atmosphere accentuated with the succession of Crusade and debauched Orientalists discourse but the most violent conflict prevailing in the world is based on “Xenophobia”, and “Racism”, which not only stimulated Islamophobia but also created the surge of anti-Western sentiments and detestation for the West named “Westophobia” in Muslim majority countries. West has been dominating in farm of colonialism for several hundred years in the Middle East, Asia and Africa and this western hegemony became the font of aversion as West has ever tried to pin down Islam and its spirits, creating crucial predicament for the Muslims. Regarding Indian Subcontinent, the imperialists policies weighed down the subjugated by imprecating their social, ideological and intellectual values as a result literature that plays influencing role in the societies, its drift turned into convulsed phases as Tefseer, hadith fiq, and literature addressing socio-political issues were emerged into different themes and trends. Since then, the ostensible trading of the west turned into military hostility and superiority complex and dominated over whole structure of the subcontinent, Muslims literati came through the propensity of thoughts due to this ideological and political subjugation, thus they responded Western restraints and modern thought by adopting different approaches and contents. On one hand ,resistance literature was started to emerge by those scholars who perceived West as adversative for the real spirit of Islam, they started to counter Western encroachment for preserving culture and Islamic legacy while on the other hand, under the deeper tendencies of rationalism, intellectuals remained unleash in concurring imbued modern western ethos and cynical conjectures of the secularists at that extent even the denial of Hadith and Miracles, Tehreef-e-A’yāt, and promulgation of schism were materialized. Further the skeptical secularism, crude atheism, promotion of obscenity and naturalism under the helm of imperialism and even conspiracy theory against Islam, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of the Muslim globally stepped up the surge of Westophobia. Thus, in this paper by utilizing qualitative approach, historical and analytical research method has been espoused to explore and provide an overview of the chronological incursion behind Westophobia and its impacts on Muslim literati’s approaches and reaction in different phases of colonial literature.
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