Stipulation of Faith in the View of Recrudescence of Asceticism: A Comparative Study of Sahl Al-Tustari and Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Religion, Faith, Mysticism, Aesthetic, Sahl Al-Tustari, Abdullah Yusuf AliAbstract
In today’s modern era where the world of materialism and self-centeredness is plagued everywhere the lack of understanding of religion has thrown Muslims into the terrible trap of Satan. Therefore, it is proposed that Tasawwuf is the great exponent of the aesthetic side of Islam. Through this, the glory of Islam has been fully revealed. Its radiant and bright part is that all material of the spuriousness is derived from the Qur'an and the Sunnah or is compatible with them. The bright side of the anecdotes derived by Sophia is that they enlighten the heart and soul, lighten the mind and vision, and renew faith and belief. What can be more proof of Mysticism in the Holy Qur'an than the fact that the purpose of Shariat has been declared to be piety and the purpose of human birth has been stated to be the worship and praise of Allah Almighty. Human activities and relationships can be divided into three broad areas: (1) Man's relationship with himself. (Self-purification) (2) Man's relationship with his Creator. (Ehsan). In this article, we highlighted some aspects of faith with the help of two Sufi commentaries namely, "The meaning of the holy Quran" by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and "Tafsir al Tustari" by Sahl b. ʿAbd Allah al-Tustari . They both defined comprehensively the intellectual thought of spiritualism with respect of belief and faith of a Muslim.
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