مغرب اور اسلاموفوبیا: اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تنقیدی مطالعہ
Islamophobia in the West: A Critical Study in the light of Islamic Teachings
The term "Islamophobia" is a portmanteau of "Islam" and "phobia," signifying an unjustifiable fear and negative perception of Islam. Though a contemporary concept, its roots extend deep into history. This paper investigates diverse schools of thought on Islamophobia, examining the historical and religious underpinnings that have fueled its proliferation in the Western world. It explores the key historical events and contemporary factors that have contributed to the surge of Islamophobia. Subsequently, Misconceptions about Islam play a pivotal role in propagating this prejudice. The Western world's apprehension about the growth of the Muslim population and Muslim unity is often linked to unwarranted associations between Islam and terrorism. These misconceptions fuel Islamophobia, fostering an environment of hostility and adversity for Muslims living in minority communities. Hence, the research methodology in this study relies on a comprehensive review of existing literature and the analysis of previous theses on the subject. This approach serves as both a data collection tool and informs data analysis. Therefore, building on previous research and literature, this paper not only raises awareness about the issue but also presents viable solutions. It advocates for the importance of Muslims in the East and West to be cognizant of their human rights and encourages respectful and compassionate engagement with both Muslim and non-Muslim communities. In this digital age, the paper underscores the potential of digital media as a means to portray the positive aspects of Islam to the Western world, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious coexistence.
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ال عمرآن،١١٠
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Al-Naḥl, 125
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