Al-Kashaf <p><strong>Al-Kashaf</strong> is an <a href=";id=1055322#journal_result">HEC-approved</a> quarterly, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal. The journal is a multidisciplinary, trilingual (<strong>Urdu, English, and Arabic</strong>) publication covering all areas of the social sciences and their interlinked disciplines of knowledge. These subjects include legal studies, Islamic law, philosophy and theology, sociology, psychology, history, economics, social sciences in applied sciences and professions, social and natural sciences, etc.</p> en-US (Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Siddique) (Syed Muhammad Bin Ahmad ) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 15:41:59 +0000 OJS 60 نظرية المعرفة الإسلامية عند محمد إقبال: دراسة تحليلية <p>This research focuses on the study of Islamic Epistemology in the view of Allama Muhammad Iqbal Lahori (1877-1938 AD). The philosopher Muhammad Iqbal has an important and high position in the Islamic world, which includes the renewal of Islamic thought and Islamic and Western philosophy and including the Islamic Epistemology. Given the importance of his scientific, philosophical and poetic contributions and the scarcity of a special study on it, the researchers aim to discover this Islamic knowledge and scientific contributions from his scientific, intellectual, poetic and philosophical classifications. The researchers adopt an inductive and analytical approach in studying this topic. This study reached several results, the most important of which is that Muhammad Iqbal was a great philosopher, a distinguished scholar, an influential poet, a Sufi, and a prominent Islamic thinker, unique in his time. For him, Islamic Epistemology represents an intellectual renaissance project that seeks to restore the role of Islamic civilization in leading the world scientifically and intellectually. He focused on the integration between religion and science and the importance of intellectual renewal based on revelation and reason. He is one of those who led people out of the liberation of thought from blind imitation. He sought to renew Islamic thought and link it to modern challenges. He has various scientific classifications in the field of religious thought, philosophy and poetry.</p> Md Rahmat Ali, Dr. Mohammad Morshedul Hoque, Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi Copyright (c) 2024 Md Rahmat Ali, Dr. Mohammad Morshedul Hoque, Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 غرائب إبراهيم النخعي رحمه الله في كتاب الغرائب و الأفراد للدار قطني و بيان تعليلها(دراسة وصفية نقدية) <p>Hadith and its Sciences is one of the most important and most sacred knowledge of Islam and among its sciences, most complicated and also most important is “ilm u Ilal”. That is why no one can discover the Ilal of Ahadith except the aemmah who are skilled in this field and have absolute knowledge of all chains of a hadith and complete information about its narrators and the connection among them in the chains. Gharabah is also a kind of Ilal. This Gharabah is discovered after collecting all the chains of a hadith. There are some types of Gharabah and Taffarud. It may be accepted with some specific conditions which have been described by aemmah. This article narrates the position of “Ibrahim Al Nakhi” in the field of ilm ul hadis according to the Aemmatul Jarh w tadil. This research paper deals with some Gharaib of Ibrahim Al Nakhi and their status in the famous book of “Imam Al Dar e Qutni” named “Al Gharaib wal Afrad” from Musnad “Abdullah Ibn e Masood (R.A)” which is an important book of a great Imam in which he collected “Fard” and “Gharib” Ahadith and wrote down the Ilal of every hadith with it. There are ۶۴۰۰ Fard and Gharib Ahadith in this great book. This article describes how to find out the Ilal of a hadith? Which are the important steps for the acknowledgment of Illah? How to discover the “madar of a hadith” after collecting all the chains of a hadith from all the books of ahadith. This paper provides examples of Gharaib of an Imam and highlights that when Gharabah is accepted and when it is rejected.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Moin U Deen, Dr. Ismail Muhammad Amin Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Moin U Deen, Dr. Ismail Muhammad Amin Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Procedural Delays on Criminal Trials in Pakistan: Causes and Solutions <p>The criminal justice system in Pakistan faces significant challenges due to procedural delays in criminal trials, which have far-reaching consequences for both the victims and the accused. These delays undermine the credibility of the judicial process, result in prolonged incarceration for the accused, and delay justice for victims, contributing to a loss of public trust in the system. The causes of these delays are multifaceted, including an overburdened court system, inefficient investigation processes, bureaucratic red tape, corruption, frequent adjournments, and a lack of legal awareness. These delays not only cause personal harm but also weaken the deterrent effect of the justice system, potentially encouraging further criminal activity. To address these issues, this article proposes several solutions, including increasing the number of judges and courts, improving investigation procedures, adopting technology for better case management, enhancing legal education and awareness, strengthening accountability mechanisms, and promoting alternative dispute resolution (ADR). By implementing these reforms, Pakistan can reduce procedural delays and ensure a more efficient, transparent, and fair criminal justice system.</p> Rohina Malik, Beenish Aslam Shaikh Copyright (c) 2024 Rohina Malik, Beenish Aslam Shaikh Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Family Conflict Resolution in Islamic Law: Prophetic Methods and Contemporary Applications <p>Family conflicts are universal, transcending cultural and religious boundaries, and the mechanisms for resolving such conflicts are vital for maintaining societal harmony. In Islamic law, family holds a central position as the nucleus of society, and its preservation is emphasized in the Qur'an and Hadith. This research examines the depth and breadth of family conflict resolution methods in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), analyzing both classical approaches and their contemporary applications. Through systematic analysis of primary sources, including the Qur'an and Sunnah, alongside contemporary judicial practices, this study demonstrates how Islamic principles of conflict resolution can effectively address modern familial disputes while maintaining their spiritual and ethical foundations. The research particularly focuses on the Prophetic methods of mediation and reconciliation, exploring how these approaches can be integrated with modern Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) frameworks. Case studies from both Muslim-majority and minority contexts reveal the successful adaptation of these principles in various cultural settings. The findings suggest that Prophetic mediation techniques, rooted in ethical principles and emotional intelligence, provide effective tools for addressing modern family disputes. The study also identifies challenges in implementing these methods in contemporary settings and proposes practical solutions for legal practitioners, religious authorities, and community leaders. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on Islamic family law and conflict resolution, offering insights for both theoretical understanding and practical application in modern family dispute resolution.</p> Zeeshan Ashraf, Nafees Ahmed Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Zeeshan Ashraf, Nafees Ahmed Khan Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mat'a (Post-Divorce Maintenance) and Women's Rights in Islamic Law: Implementation and Application in Pakistan <p>The concept of Mat'a (post-divorce maintenance) in Islamic law establishes crucial financial protections for divorced women, yet its implementation in Pakistan remains severely limited. This study examines the complex interplay between religious doctrine, legal frameworks, and social realities shaping Mat'a implementation through a mixed-methods approach combining doctrinal analysis, comparative legal research, and socio-legal investigation. Drawing on primary Islamic sources, contemporary legislation, and judicial precedents from Pakistan and other Muslim-majority jurisdictions, the research reveals significant gaps between Qur'anic principles of justice and their practical application. Analysis of Pakistan's legal framework demonstrates how the silence of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 regarding post-divorce maintenance, combined with conservative judicial interpretations and sociocultural barriers, creates substantial protection deficits for divorced women. Comparative analysis of successful reform models from Egypt, Iran, and Malaysia provides insights for potential legislative and institutional reforms. The study proposes a comprehensive framework for integrating Mat'a into Pakistan's legal system while addressing practical implementation challenges. These findings contribute to both theoretical understanding of Islamic family law and practical policy development, offering actionable recommendations for aligning Pakistan's legal framework with both religious principles and contemporary human rights standards.</p> Dr. Mazhar Hussain, Dr. Hafiz Falak Shair Faizi Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Mazhar Hussain, Dr. Hafiz Falak Shair Faizi Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Functions of Ideological State Apparatuses in "They are in the Darkness" and "Imprisoned Law" by Raza Rabbani” <p>Ideology plays a crucial role in shaping both individual identities and societalnorms, guiding personal beliefs and collective behaviour.. It is declared a crucial element in human life, and no one can lead his life without its periphery. The article seeks to investigate the functions of ideological states apparatus in prominent politics and writer Raza Rabbani’s two short stories “They arein the Darkness” and “Imprisoned Law” with the help of Lious Althusser’s concept of ideology which is about interpellation, states and subject. Through adopting Qualitative paradigm, the research is providing different questions that are revolving in society regarding functions of ideology. No one can deny the significance of ideology in humanlife because it is one of the major tools of his life; therefore, all and sundry will have to mould his or her life according to the dimensions of ideology. Through evaluating the characters of Irfan and Amma the research has provided that how RSA (repressive status apparatuses) or ISA (Ideological status apparatuses) operate the people and how they mould humans’ lives. It is understood that ideology is a bone of contention between “capitalism” and “socialism” and lower class has lost its desires because subaltern cannot speak due to lack of power. For proclamation of ideology, different institutions are rendering their duties and compelling human flesh in the circle of ideology.</p> Hafiz Muhammad Qasim, Bushra Shahid Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Muhammad Qasim, Bushra Shahid Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Islamization of Knowledge and the Educational Philosophy of Al-Attas – A Brief Exposition <p>This article is an effort to bring to the fore the prominent philosophy of education in Islam of Syed Naquib Al-Attas. It traces the need for the Islamization of Knowledge movement as the answer to the woes of the Ummah and outlines the importance of the right education from the Islamic viewpoint. It highlights the need for the Muslim to return to Islam and his fitrah and brings into focus the need for education and the correct approach to it. It goes on to delineate the educational philosophy of Islam given by Al-Attas, and its prominent features, including the Islamization of language, the concepts of adab and ta’dib with the latter denoting education and the former being the inculcation of ta’dib in man. The educational philosophy presented also includes the hierarchy of knowledge, where fard ‘ayn sciences take precedence in status over fard kifayah sciences. It also includes Al-Attas’ emphasis on content over method with respect to education. The article concludes by emphasizing the salience of a sound philosophy of education from the Islamic worldview and propagates the educational philosophy of Al-Attas as such a philosophy and suggests its application in the field of education being the need of the hour.</p> Salman Omer Masood Copyright (c) 2024 Salman Omer Masood Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Correlation of Basic Research Evaluation Indices <p>Research evaluation parameters are a benchmark to measure the scientific output of researchers. Many techniques have been used previously to measure scientific output. Although all these parameters gave a good measure of the researcher’s contribution, due to different domains and small volume of data sets, it is hard to say which parameter best measures the expertise of a researcher. This paper analyzes the application of basic research evaluation parameters on a common large dataset in a single domain and investigates their correlation. Firstly, ranking lists of indices were created to analyze the application of parameters. Secondly to investigate their relationship potential correlation of indices was accessed. The research work presented here concentrated on the Computer science domain however we suggest it should apply to other scientific domains as well.</p> Sohaib Latif, Muhammad Waleed Butt, Haroon Shafique Copyright (c) 2024 Sohaib Latif, Muhammad Waleed Butt, Haroon Shafique Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Harmonising Progressivist and Islamic Pedagogical Frameworks for 21st-Century Curriculum Innovation <p>In the evolving landscape of 21st-century education, the integration of diverse pedagogical frameworks is crucial to fostering intellectual, moral, and social development. This paper explores the synthesis of Progressivist and Islamic pedagogical principles in curriculum design, highlighting their shared emphasis on holistic education, critical thinking, and ethical responsibility. Progressivism, rooted in the philosophies of John Dewey, advocates student-centered, experiential learning to cultivate independent thinking and adaptability. Similarly, Islamic educational principles, derived from the Quran and Hadith, stress Tarbiyah (holistic development), Ilm (knowledge acquisition as a moral duty), and Adab (ethical discipline). This study examines the compatibility of these two paradigms and their potential for integration within contemporary educational models. Drawing on case studies from international Islamic schools, it demonstrates how inquiry-based learning, community engagement, and moral education can be effectively combined to produce well-rounded individuals equipped for modern societal challenges. The paper also addresses key challenges, including resistance from traditional educators, the reconciliation of secular and religious content, and the need for culturally sensitive teacher training. Recommendations include structured curriculum reforms, professional development programs, and stakeholder collaboration to ensure a balanced approach to education that aligns with both Progressivist and Islamic values. This study contributes to the discourse on curriculum innovation, offering a model for educational institutions seeking to harmonize tradition with modern pedagogical advancements.</p> Malik Saeed Iqbal, Dr. Mazhar Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 Malik Saeed Iqbal, Dr. Mazhar Hussain Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Motivating Cause and Intention in Contract Law: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Common Law <p>This study presents a comparative analysis of motivating cause and intention in Islamic and Common law systems, examining their theoretical foundations and practical applications in commercial contracts. The research employs doctrinal analysis of primary legal sources and contemporary banking practices to investigate how these legal traditions conceptualize and apply principles of intention in contract formation and validation. The findings reveal that while Islamic law emphasizes both explicit and implicit intentions through its various schools of thought (Hanafī, Mālikī, Shāfi'ī, and Hanbalī), Common law has evolved from subjective to objective theory of contract interpretation. The study identifies significant divergences in theoretical approaches, particularly in the treatment of underlying motives and their effect on contract validity. However, it also uncovers notable convergences in practical applications, especially in modern commercial transactions. This research contributes to the understanding of cross-system legal harmonization and has important implications for international commercial law practice, particularly in jurisdictions where Islamic and Common law principles intersect. The findings suggest that while maintaining distinct theoretical frameworks, both systems demonstrate adaptability in addressing contemporary commercial needs while preserving their fundamental principles.</p> Wajid Mahmood Satti Copyright (c) 2024 Wajid Mahmood Satti Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Legal Framework of Insurance (Takaful): A Comparative Analysis of English Common Law and Shariah Principles <p>This research paper presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of the legal frameworks governing Takaful (Islamic insurance) under both English Common Law and Shariah principles. The study examines the fundamental differences in approaches to risk, uncertainty, and insurance contracts between these two legal systems, while exploring potential areas of convergence and compatibility. Through qualitative analysis of primary legal sources, regulatory frameworks, and scholarly literature, the research investigates how these differences affect the implementation and operation of Takaful in the UK market. The study reveals significant disparities in risk management approaches, with English Common Law emphasizing risk transfer and commercial practicality, while Shariah principles focus on risk-sharing and mutual cooperation. The research identifies critical challenges in implementing Takaful within the UK's regulatory framework, including issues related to Shariah compliance, corporate governance, and the limited availability of Retakaful (Islamic reinsurance) capacity. Despite these challenges, the study finds potential areas for harmonization, particularly in risk measurement standards, transparency requirements, and consumer protection mechanisms. The research contributes to the existing literature by proposing practical solutions for developing appropriate regulatory frameworks that respect both legal traditions while ensuring operational efficiency. Key recommendations include establishing specific Takaful regulations within the UK framework, developing standardized Shariah compliance guidelines, and implementing specialized reporting requirements. These findings have significant implications for policymakers, regulators, and financial institutions seeking to develop and expand Takaful services in Western markets. The study concludes that successful integration of Takaful in the UK market requires a balanced approach that acknowledges the fundamental principles of both legal systems while addressing practical operational considerations.</p> Muhammad Mehmood Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mehmood Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Inequalities among conventional and Islamic banking product: A solution with viewpoint of bank clients <p>Conventional banks experiencing a more substantial progress compared to Islamic banks. This productivity is primarily attributed to clients’ faith in conventional banking services. The literature represents lacking consensus with respect to the consumers’ understanding about the difference between Islamic and conventional banking products and why consumers do not prefer Islamic banking products as those are Shariah compliant. Previous studies have done deductive research to find determinants of clients’ intention towards using Islamic banking services. The research investigates the conventional banking consumers’ perception regarding of Islamic banking products in comparison of conventional counterparts in Pakistan through applying inductive research method. This study proposed a determinant to guide bankers and policy makers to promote Islamic banking products as compared to conventional banking.</p> <p>Keywords: Islamic banking, Shariah Complaint Products, Halal Financial Products</p> Hamna Afzal Copyright (c) 2024 Hamna Afzal Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تہذیبِ نفس کا اسلامی منہج:مولانا رومی کے افکار کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>This paper presents an analytical exploration of the Islamic concept of soul purification (تزکیۂ نفس) through the lens of Maulana Rumi's philosophical and spiritual insights. Drawing on his seminal works—Fīhi Mā Fīhi, Maktūbāt, Majālis-i Sabʿa, Dīwān-i Shams, and Masnavī Ma‘navī—this study examines the interplay between self-discipline, inner purification, and spiritual development. Key themes include the nature of the self (نفس), desire (شہوت), self-delusion (فریبِ نفس), repentance (توبہ), contemplation of death (فکرِ موت), and attaining closeness to Allah (وصول الی اللہ), all of which constitute the essential pillars of Rumi’s teachings on spiritual refinement. Rumi’s approach to soul purification integrates Islamic jurisprudence (Sharīʿah), Qur’anic ethics, and Prophetic traditions (Sunnah), emphasizing the need for self-awareness, detachment from material distractions, and reliance on divine guidance. He metaphorically describes the self as a raging fire of unchecked desires, which, if not controlled through disciplined action and spiritual introspection, can lead to moral decay. This paper explores how Rumi’s teachings provide a systematic framework for overcoming spiritual and moral weaknesses, offering timeless solutions to contemporary ethical dilemmas. In addition to Rumi’s own writings, this research engages with classical Sufi interpretations and contemporary scholarly analyses to contextualize his model of self-purification within the broader Islamic intellectual tradition. By bridging classical mysticism with modern spiritual and ethical challenges, this paper contributes to the discourse on Islamic moral philosophy, self-discipline, and personal transformation. The findings underscore the enduring relevance of Rumi’s philosophy, demonstrating how his insights into soul purification can serve as a practical guide for achieving inner harmony, ethical integrity, and spiritual enlightenment in today’s world. The study ultimately advocates for a revival of classical Islamic spiritual teachings as a means to address contemporary psychological and moral crises.</p> Muhammad Hassan Raza, Muhammad Shahid, Dr. Syed Noor Ul Hassan Hashmi Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Hassan Raza, Muhammad Shahid, Dr. Syed Noor Ul Hassan Hashmi Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مسلمانوں کے غیر مسلموں سے معاہدات :دورِ صدیقی کا خصوصی مطالعہ <p>After the passing of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA), an Islamic government was established based on Islamic principles, and there was no compromise in the enforcement of Islamic laws. During this period, significant examples were set regarding the protection of minorities. The safety of non-Muslims' lives, property, honor, and dignity was ensured, and their places of worship and religious practices were granted legal recognition. Interestingly, during this time, laws were made equally for both Muslims and non-Muslims, and interfaith harmony was promoted. During this period, not only was there an extraordinary expansion of Islamic territories, but also, keeping the scholarly examples of the Prophet's era in view, Muslims established a distinct and unique identity as a peaceful nation on earth. To achieve this, they adopted a generous attitude towards non-Muslims, fulfilled their rights, and made every effort to ensure that peace was maintained without any disruption, even if it required great sacrifices. In this regard, minorities were granted complete freedom in matters of government positions, livelihood, living conditions, and religious beliefs and practices. Their old places of worship were not only protected but they were also granted full freedom to worship in their places of worship and to hold their religious ceremonies. During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, numerous agreements were made with non-Muslims in which the protection of their places of worship and religious practices was highlighted as a priority. It is essential that this practice from the time of the caliphate of Abu Bakr be followed in the present day as well. This article is written with that necessity in mind.</p> Muhammad Shahid, Muhammad Hassan Raza, Dr. Syed Noor Ul Hassan Hashmi Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Shahid, Muhammad Hassan Raza, Dr. Syed Noor Ul Hassan Hashmi Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 اصطلاح الحکمۃ کےاطلاقات میں قرآنی اصطلاح التوسم:تفسیری مطالعہ <p>Definite a wrong idea to decide about the terms mentioned in the Holy Quran that they are synonymous with each other or that this other term is one of the identical of the Quranic term. And keeping in view the context, each term has a special place and meaning. Although the same term has different meanings and connotations, there must be context. All the terms mentioned in the Holy Quran are neither synonyms nor have the same meaning. Each term has its own background and broad meaning and connotation. It is up to the deep study of the Quran to derive its meaning correctly in the light of exegetical study. The term Al-Hikma in the Holy Quran has a very broad meaning, in it there are some prominent terms of the Holy Quran which can be called under the Reflect of al-Hikma, the influence of al-Hikma, the parts of al-Hikma. We can say that there are certain terms that the presence of these attributes in a person can be said to be the result of Al-Hikma. One of these terms is the term al-Tawsim, which has been explained in detail in this article.</p> Dr. Irfan Qaisar Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Irfan Qaisar Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000