Al-Kashaf 2024-07-26T12:09:04+00:00 Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Siddique Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Al-Kashaf</strong> is an <a href=";id=1055322#journal_result">HEC-approved</a> quarterly, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal. The journal is a multidisciplinary, trilingual (<strong>Urdu, English, and Arabic</strong>) publication covering all areas of the social sciences and their interlinked disciplines of knowledge. These subjects include legal studies, Islamic law, philosophy and theology, sociology, psychology, history, economics, social sciences in applied sciences and professions, social and natural sciences, etc.</p> The Doctrine of Misrepresentation and Fraud in Pakistan and United Kingdom: Navigating Their Implications on The Businesses and Consumers 2024-06-05T12:37:25+00:00 Adeel Abid Zainab Effendi Zeeshan Hyder <p>Misrepresentation and fraud are fundamental concepts in contract law, crucial for maintaining integrity and fairness in business transactions. In the UK, misrepresentation is defined as the dissemination of false information, while fraud involves deliberate deception. While in Pakistan, misrepresentation is defined under the Contract Act, 1872, encompassing false statements and breaches of duty that lead to an advantage. However, the distinction between innocent and fraudulent misrepresentation is not as clear as in the UK. Pakistan's legal framework lacks specific legislation like the UK's Misrepresentation Act 1967, leading to challenges in addressing misrepresentation claims. Against this backdrop, this research endeavors to delve deeper into the treatment of misrepresentation and fraud in contract law, with a comparative analysis between Pakistani and UK legal frameworks. By examining the nuances of these doctrines and their application in both jurisdictions, this study seeks to elucidate their impact on consumer and business dealings. Through a comprehensive exploration of case law, statutory provisions, and scholarly discourse, it aims to discern the efficacy of existing legal mechanisms in addressing issues related to misrepresentation and fraud, thereby informing potential reforms or improvements in regulatory frameworks.</p> 2024-06-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adeel Abid, Zainab Effendi, Zeeshan Hyder Islamic Finance in Iraq and Indonesia: Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Frameworks, Market Dynamics, and Socio-Economic Impact 2024-07-05T23:01:11+00:00 Hani Amer Musa Dr. Rahmawati Muin <p>This paper gives a comparative synthesis of the evolutionary process and the management of Islamic finance systems in Iraq and Indonesia. Since the above two countries are Islamic and harbor the closest resemblance to the Islamic religion, the governance structures in both these countries have installed mechanisms to monitor banking sectors. To meet the study's objective, this research aimed to establish the characteristic of Islamic financing in Iraq and Indonesia. The content of this report may be useful to many regulatory bodies and bank organizations. The paper explores the general and distinctive trends of the target parameters with other countries and the outlined results that can be important in comparison or discussion while considering the emergence and development of Islamic finance sectors in Iraq and Indonesia.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hani Amer Musa, Dr. Rahmawati Muin Muslim Friendly Tourism Management from The Perspective of Malaysian Standard MS 2610: An Overview 2024-07-26T12:09:04+00:00 Noriah Binti Ramli <p>Tourist management is vital in tourism management. It is important to note that tourist plays an important role in ensuring the sustainability of tourism segments or products. To ensure the success of tourism industry, whether Muslim friendly tourism or conventional tourism, tourism services provider including the travel and tour operators, tour guide and relevant tourism agencies of the country should ensure tourist welfare, interest and objectives of coming to any particular country are fulfilled. In light of these points, this study will elaborate the concept of Muslim friendly atmosphere, the need of Muslim tourist, tour guide, travel and tour package. The main purpose of this paper is to raise awareness about the growing Muslim friendly tourism market segment and identify the fundamental characteristics that surrounds this segment. Moreover, this research will also provide an answer to several questions including what is tourism? what is Muslim friendly tourism? what are the components of Muslim friendly atmosphere? what is Malaysian Standard MS 2610 and its objective? The methodology is largely reliant on secondary information. The study will proceed by analysing the existing literature on Muslim friendly tourism, the Malaysian Standard on Muslim friendly Hospitality Services Requirements MS 2610, published journal articles, online references and materials, the role of Muslim friendly tour guide, and the do’s and don’t’s in Muslim friendly tourism. This study will then discuss the findings of the research, and lastly to make a proposal and recommendations for improvements in Muslim friendly tourism in general.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Noriah Binti Ramli مناهج دعویة لأولي العزم من الرسل وتطبيقها في العصر الحاضر عند الشيخ محمد کرم شاہ الأزھري 2024-05-25T17:18:00+00:00 Muhammad Ishtiaq Dr Hafiz Abdul Mannan Zahidi <p>This paper aims to present Da‘wah methods among the Prophets and their application in the present era according to Sheikh Muhammad Karam Shah . He is a leading influential scholar of 20th Century. His magnetic efforts for Daʻwah are need of time and needs to present in modern scholarship. Moreover, He devoted himself for educating the Pakistani Community. Keeping this in view, Sheikh Muhammad Karam Shah Alazhari was a true scholar &amp; sincere builder of nation. His services to Pakistani community in general and for the Muslim Community are beyond limits in deed. He held a bright light of knowledge in his right hand and a banquet of noble character in his left to pay the duties on the footsteps of prophets in this era. This paper aims to present a real Educationist's life profile to enlighten the way ahead for a better future of our youth. in addition, it explores and analyses his Daʻwah vision and educational strategy laid down by Al Azhari. Similarly, this publication purposes to seek the ways to enlighten our society to live and lead like a progressive, moderate nation as conceptualized and incorporated in the ideological framework of Al-Azhari.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ishtiaq Ahmad, Dr Hafiz Abdul Mannan Zahidi